Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I saw this and had to laugh


I, and I think that most other folks who lived through the dot-com bust and the telco crash have a hard time NOT laughing at articles like this. There's not enough students? You're damn right there's not enough students. When companies are going to bleed jobs the minute things take a downturn and when everything that resembles engineering is being sent overseas, you're damn right that students are looking at other careers. I hardly recommend Computer Science as a degree to anyone. I tell IT majors that the best jobs are project management of workers overseas.

Now India is turning out to be not quite the deal everyone expected. Managing remote teams that operate 10 hours ahead causes work slippage and there's QC problems so now companies are making noise about the lack of skilled labor. TIME TO PAY UP YOU CORPORATE CHEAPSCAPES!!!!!!!!

I'll take requests to go back to software development. Let's start with a pay increase and good benefits...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.